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谷歌與IBM合作,欲主宰“云計(jì)算”   2008年05月07日
隨著微軟與雅虎就所提議的收購陷入僵局,其競爭對手IBM以及谷歌逐漸加大努力,以攜手主宰它們認(rèn)為將在21世紀(jì)主導(dǎo)軟件分銷的模式,即所謂的云計(jì)算(cloud computing)。


IBM的Sam Palmisano以及谷歌的Eric Schmidt從領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力以及創(chuàng)新上依次贊揚(yáng)了對方。他們還堅(jiān)持認(rèn)為,兩家公司具有許多相似性,盡管谷歌這家立足硅谷的消費(fèi)網(wǎng)絡(luò)巨頭與位于紐約郊外的IBM這家從事商業(yè)計(jì)算的百年老店之間存在顯著差異。








IBM-谷歌之云對于微軟來說,可能更像日益逼近的暴風(fēng)雨,它運(yùn)行在Linux之上,IBM早已擁抱它作為一種Windows的替代品。它還包含Xen系統(tǒng)虛擬化以及Apache Hadoop,它們是谷歌文件系統(tǒng)的開放源實(shí)現(xiàn)。



谷歌與IBM一道令人信服地向商業(yè)和消費(fèi)市場中的計(jì)算機(jī)用戶提供主機(jī)產(chǎn)品,范圍包括基本的生產(chǎn)率軟件,如文字處理以及日歷(如谷歌的Docs和IBM的Lotus Symphony套件),乃至尖端的安全性以及管理工具(通過IBM的Tivoli產(chǎn)品以及谷歌的Postini部門)。



微軟意欲收購雅虎就是為了提升其網(wǎng)絡(luò)存在,但是,首席執(zhí)行官Steve Ballmer的侵略性戰(zhàn)術(shù)(他最近給予雅虎三個(gè)星期的通牒要求接受收購;但是,上周末平安無事地過去了)只會(huì)造成其目標(biāo)收購對象的敵意。雖然收購無法成為現(xiàn)實(shí),但兩家公司之間的合作關(guān)系似乎不成問題,只要現(xiàn)有的管理層在兩家公司均在位。




云計(jì)算(Cloud Computing)是分布式處理(Distributed Computing)、并行處理(Parallel Computing)和網(wǎng)格計(jì)算(Grid Computing)的發(fā)展,或者說是這些計(jì)算機(jī)科學(xué)概念的商業(yè)實(shí)現(xiàn)。








云計(jì)算的說法正在廣為流行,Gartner高級分析師Ben Pring評價(jià)道:“它正在成為一個(gè)大眾化的詞語?!钡?問題是似乎每個(gè)人對于云計(jì)算的理解各不相同。作為一個(gè)對互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的比喻,“云”是很容易理解的。但是一旦同“計(jì)算”聯(lián)系起來,它的意義就擴(kuò)展了,而且開始變得模糊起來。有些分析師和公司把云計(jì)算僅僅定義為計(jì)算的升級版——基本上就是互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上提供的眾多虛擬服務(wù)器。另外一些人把云計(jì)算定義的更加寬泛,他們認(rèn)為用戶在防火墻保護(hù)之外消費(fèi)的任何事物都處于“云”之中。


Google, IBM join forces to dominate 'cloud computing'

With Microsoft and Yahoo in an icy stalemate over a proposed merger, rivals IBM and Google are ramping up efforts to jointly dominate what they believe will be the dominant software delivery model in the 21st century -- so called cloud computing.

Much of their work until now has taken place behind the scenes under a low profile, but the companies' close relationship was fully apparent Thursday when their CEOs made a rare joint appearance on stage at an IBM conference in Los Angeles.

Sam Palmisano of IBM and Google's Eric Schmidt in turn complimented each other on issues ranging from leadership to technological innovation. They also insisted that their companies share lots of similarities, despite obvious differences between a consumer Web giant that calls Silicon Valley home and a suburban New York-based centenarian of business computing.

"We're boring, they're exciting; we're slow, they're fast; we're fat, they're skinny," Palmisano joked. But the contrasts between IBM and Google are mostly skin deep, he said, noting that both vendors are "grounded in values" and share "a common technical alignment."

(IBM also processes accounts payables for Google, Schmidt revealed.)

IBM and Google plan to exploit their common technological world view and considerable talent to build a worldwide network, or cloud, of servers from which consumers and businesses will tap everything from online soccer schedules to advanced engineering applications.

"It's the story of our lifetime," said Schmidt.

The alliance, with its grand ambitions, started a couple of years ago with a simple phone call from Palmisano to Schmidt. "Sam called and wanted to know what we thought about distributed computing," said Schmidt.

"We weren't looking to sell them anything," said Palmisano.

The call led to whiteboarding sessions and ultimately a collaborative effort under which IBM and Google built a version of their cloud and in October gave it to several top engineering universities, including MIT, Stanford, and Carnegie Mellon, to poke away at.

The IBM-Google cloud, which to Microsoft might look more like an approaching thunderhead, runs on Linux, which has long been embraced by IBM as a non-Windows alternative. It also includes Xen systems virtualization and Apache Hadoop -- an open source implementation of the Google File System.

Google has already rolled out to consumers a number of free, cloud-based services such as e-mail and storage, but it's barely tapped the lucrative commercial market. With the exception of security requirements, "there's not that much difference between the enterprise cloud and the consumer cloud," Schmidt said at one point.

"The cloud has higher value in business, that's the secret to our collaboration" with IBM, he added at another.

Together, Google and IBM could conceivably supply computer users in the business and consumer markets with hosted offerings that range from basic productivity software like word processing and calendaring (such as Google Docs and IBM's Lotus Symphony suite) to sophisticated security and management tools (through IBM's Tivoli products and Google's Postini unit).

The partnership is solidifying at a time when Microsoft -- rivalry with which is another thing IBM and Google have in common -- is struggling to develop a coherent Web strategy of its own.

Its answer to the cloud trend is to move some applications to the Internet under a strategy it calls software plus services. But the bulk of Microsoft's profits still come from software that's either sold in boxes at retail stores or preinstalled on PCs by big manufacturers like Dell.

Microsoft is seeking to buy out Yahoo to bolster its Web presence, but CEO Steve Ballmer's aggressive tactics (he recently gave Yahoo a three-week deadline to accept the deal; it passed uneventfully last weekend) have only engendered hostility from his target. Should the merger fail to materialize, future partnerships between the two companies would seem out of the question as long as current management is in place on both sides.

Meanwhile, IBM and Google appear ready to kick their cloud out of its academic nest to start rolling out production versions.

The companies did not make specific announcements to that end on Thursday, but Schmidt and Palmisano, both dressed in LA-friendly lighter colors, left little doubt that their joint efforts are accelerating. Indeed, they might well have told their audience of several thousand IBM business partners at the Los Angeles Convention Center to "watch this space."


標(biāo)簽:谷歌與IBM合作,欲主宰“云計(jì)算” 我要反饋 